Soldier fish

Myripristis sp.
Myripristis sp.
Soldier fish from French Polynesia is highly differentiated from Atlantic and Mediterranean red mullet. Called “Iihi” in the Polynesian language, the soldier fish is a small-sized fish with very dense scales that are bright red to greyish-pink in colour.

This fish has the habit of living in groups in coral cavities and facing divers at the entrance to its home like a sentinel, hence its name of soldier fish in English. Usually fished by net or hook & line at night, it is also an easy target for spearfishermen by day.

The flesh of the soldier fish, although dotted with small bones, is exquisite and highly sought after.


Soldier fish is very popular with French Polynesians and is delicious grilled on the barbecue or in a pan. Its fragrant and tender flesh is very pleasant to taste, and this makes it an excellent base for a bouillabaisse, a quintessential ingredient of the stock as well as a component of the dish itself.

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