Bigeye scad

Selar Crumenophtalmus
Selar Crumenophtalmus
Also from the Carangidae family, the bigeye scad is distinguished from trevally by its smaller size and its more elongated body shape. In the Polynesian language, this fish has three different names depending on its size: Ature for young specimens less than 15cm Aramea for specimens between 15 and 25 cm And Orare above 25 cm (size limits are indicative only)

Bigeye scad is mainly fished in large bays using nets several meters deep or trapped in the fish parks of the Tuamotus. Large individuals are caught via bottom-lining at night. The flesh is white to reddish-pink towards the central bone, is very tasty, and goes well in a wide variety of preparations.


The Ature is delicious grilled whole, accompanied by a wedge of lemon, parsley butter, anchovy butter or simply seared on the skin side then marinated in lemon olive oil with herbs or escabeche.

Other species from Tahiti & her islands