Shrimp or Prawn

Penaeus sp.
Penaeus sp.
Although there are a few lesser-known and uncommercialised prawn species in Polynesian waters, there are two saltwater species which have been successfully introduced for aquaculture purposes: Penaeus Vannamei and Panaeus Stylostris.

The shape of these prawns is elongated with a head representing about one-third of the total length of the animal and devoid of claws. Tahitian prawn farms produce several tons of product annually, which is consumed exclusively on the local market. The exquisite flesh of prawns goes well in almost limitless preparations, both raw or cooked.


The local Tahitian prawns are very tasty and delicately sweet, they can be eaten raw in tartar or carpaccio, as well as boiled in water. They have a delicate taste, and when sautéed on a plancha or in a pan, this leads to their flesh being flavoured by the delicious grilled shell. Note that once shelled, like most shellfish, the shells can still be used to make a bisque or a consommé.

Other species from Tahiti & her islands