Black marlin

Makaira indica
Makaira indica
The largest member of the marlin family, these black beauties grow to impressive lengths, feeding prolifically whilst navigating the tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific.

Their fighting spirit and size means recreational anglers take particular interest in this species, affording them with the utmost respect, with each landing constituting a major victory.

Our commercial boats catch them via the long-line method and there’s an eager market for the ‘Haura Pererau Etaeta’ throughout French Polynesia.


Black marlin flesh is somewhat similar to the other marlin species in texture and colour but notable for its higher oil content. It is a great species for cooking, and the considerable levels of intra-muscular fats mean that the fish does not tend to dry out like leaner pelagics. Indeed, if there was one fish in particular to take the crown as a species for smoking then this is it – simply perfect.

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