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Bigeye Tuna Carpaccio

Bigeye Tuna Carpaccio is a simple yet elegant dish that features thinly sliced pieces of fresh Bigeye tuna, drizzled with a light citrus dressing and topped with flavorful garnishes.

To prepare this dish, use a sharp knife to carefully slice the fish into thin, even pieces. Arrange the slices on a plate, taking care to overlap them slightly.

Next, prepare the dressing by combining the ingredients below.

Bigeye Tuna Carpaccio is a perfect appetizer or light meal that showcases the delicate and delicious flavor of fresh tuna.


250g sashimi-grade bigeye tuna

3 tablespoons good quality olive oil

1 tablespoon finely chopped spring onions

1 tablespoon finely chopped Italian/flat-leaf parsley

1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion

1 Tahitian lime, zested + juiced (plus ½ half lime for garnish)

2 tablespoons drained capers (optional)

Coarse sea salt (to taste)

Fresh-ground black pepper (to taste)

The steps

Use a sharp knife to cut thin slices of tuna (across the grain of the fish to achieve the best texture). Arrange them on a shallow serving dish, overlapping like fish scales.

Season with salt and pepper to taste

Top the tuna with sprinkles of the parsley, spring onion and red onion

Drizzle generously with olive oil and sprinkle with lime zest. Add a dash of lime juice just before serving.

Serve with crispy little toasts / bread.

NB – use a good extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil, but nothing too young/green as you want to compliment the taste of the tuna, not overpower it.



Save for later

If you are not planning to eat your fish in the following few days after purchase, then a good option is to freeze it. 

While frozen fish loses some of its quality characteristics, this compromise can be mitigated by following a few steps…


How to prepare

Choose a large bench space and make sure all surfaces are clean – best to use a good-sized chopping board that is larger than the fish you intend to fillet…


Stay fresh

Transporting fish from Le COMPTOIR de L’OCÉAN to your home: always use a cooler or insulated bin, and plenty of ice…

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